Should You Record A Funeral With Photos?

Posted on: 6 July 2023

Funeral etiquette can be challenging for many families tasked with planning a send-off for their loved one. You want to craft a fitting funeral or memorial, but you also need to take into account both good taste and the budget. With these goals in mind, should you or your family include a photographer in your funeral plans? The answer may be yes. But it's also not for everyone. Here are some answers to your questions about funeral photos. 

Why Take Funeral Photos?

While most people agree that a wedding photographer is vital, they may not realize that a funeral photographer is valuable for many of the same reasons. This is an important moment in your and your loved ones' lives, so it should be documented. Family and mourners may not remember as much of the service as they like, so it's good to have a record. It also provides lasting mementos with which you can honor your loved one. 

Should You Hire Someone?

If funeral photography is the right choice, start by determining if the budget can support a professional. Professional photos will come out the best, and professional photographers know how to capture the service with respect and dignity. Ask the funeral director or funeral home staff for recommendations of local photographers with funeral experience. They may even have someone who can perform this service. 

Can You Ask Someone?

Does your funeral budget not include room for a pro? Are you uncomfortable having a stranger involved in private family time? Then it's okay to ask a friend, family member, or even a staff member of the funeral home. Look for someone who knows the surviving family and friends so they capture key interactions. But they should not be so close as to be too emotional to do the job. They should also be tactful, respectful, and professional. 

Is It Okay Not to Take Photos?

Finally, don't be afraid to say no to funeral photos. This is a deeply personal decision, and you aren't required to facilitate pictures if you and your loved ones don't want your grief on film. You will have a variety of other mementos. Design a funeral service that meets your goals and needs, not the expectations of others. 

Where to Learn More

Want help deciding to use or skip funeral photography? Consult with a quality funeral home in your local area today. With their guidance and these answers, you'll find the right path no matter what it is.
